
my stoop runneth over with undeserved postal love: tomato nation sent swag, jen sent a powerpuff valentine, douglas sent music. in the best of all worlds, they'd be close enough for coffee; in this one, land mail goodies are exciting middle men. what nifty folks.

one prefers to conclude an absence with news of a cure for cancer or, say, a hot local band. in the name of progress, i ate rice at a place called OSHA. that's it.

Miss Havisham's produce collects,
Mementoes for ancient seasons
On every car, driveway, sidewalk:
Summer's rotting walnuts, the fall's
Wizened persimmons, and so on.
Trunks of a legislated size

Are of heritage trees, a size
That can't fall. My mother collects
Epithets for them, switches on
The Price Is Right: Models season
Invisible chicken.

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