imaginary reading group discussion questions
01 have you ever powered through a foul-weather show? was it worth it?
02 if you could cast one of the tragedies however you liked, who would you conscript? i'm going to have to think about that one for a while, but i'm pretty sure robert loggia would be old hamlet.
03 is it ethical to make a delivery guy bring you takeout in central park in the middle of a storm? (note: i did not do this.)
*trying this one next: what the hell, iceland? where's my trip?
**still in their packages since the rain never really picked back up, but i can't wait to have an excuse to wear one: they're covered with the show's skull logo. hamlet ponchos!
imaginary reading group discussion questions
01 is free frozen yogurt better than vampire weekend?
02 what's the greatest album of all time?
03 did i go to wendy's twice yesterday?
*jacob and i met a girl at that show who later appeared in a dvd extra for season 3 of the L word.
**i think it was the first dubbed movie i ever saw; i didn't realize for years that jon cryer wasn't actually calling james spader slime.
imaginary reading group discussion questions
01 was HRC's speech really moving and brilliant, or is the press just feeling extra-friendly because she finally did the right thing?
02 do we have to lump the hillary nutcrackers in with misogyny that won't be missed? i'll be honest: i thought those were pretty cool.
03 would hillary have been able to beat kerry? or, to flip on the clinton axis: would bill have been able to beat obama?
imaginary reading group discussion questions
01 other contenders for Worst Sack Song?
02 speaking of heavy metal, have you yet had the pleasure of reading enter sandman: the children's book?
03 do you think one of those sonic gopherbusters would keep mice from leaping into my gimpy cat's mouth?
04 why do air fresheners, scented candles, and "odor neutralizers" smell so terrible?
*though i concede, as others have noted, that fogerty's "centerfield" is strong competition.
**i am so, so glad the poor thing died on the fire escape a minute after i placed it there to stall for time. i am in no way equipped to mercy-kill; when i was a kid and my pet mouse was dying of cancer, i made my mother take her to the vet to be euthanized.
*can i weigh in on stuff like anthony lane's review and its infamous david hughes illustration** if i don't? let's chance it: both made me cackle, even though the former speaks fondly of audrey hepburn and the latter reminds me of chuck klosterman (he's illustrated CK's stuff in esquire).
** much has been made of how he uglies up gals (misogyny, misogyny!), but if anyone's to blame, it's the art director who gave him the assignment; hughes is gloriously grotesque as a rule.