we concluded a truly epic wedding season this saturday with the union of our lovely jersey barbecue hosts, megan and patrick, and a wild celebration in west orange. say what you will about the less lovable parts of the garden state, but it was in its glory this weekend: i actually didn't mind our getting a bit turned around on the highway en route to the reception, as it bought me another fifteen minutes of roadside leaf-peeping. joe and i also broke out our "name that (meowed) tune" time-wasting game, so four fifths of the car* spent the last bit of the drive to the manor meowing "we are the world" as soulfully as we could (judd really outdid himself on the cyndi lauper and michael mcdonald parts). a long weddingless winter is on the horizon, but we have my little sister's wedding in the hazy future to sustain us: baby jo and her excellent boyfriend, chris, got engaged this past friday, and they tell us their first dance will be "as the world falls down." if she rocks sarah's ball gown (a distinct possibility, as she's getting her MFA in costume design), i can die happy.
*george was the holdout. in his defense, he was driving.
AHHH!!! I was pretty sure I was going to marry David Bowie, circa Labyrinth. If they decide to make that their first dance, I demand a video. Bonus points for the dress.
oh, you'd better believe there'll be a video.
the odds are fairly good, i think: they were friends at college before they started dating, and one of their regular get-togethers was labyrinth night.
the woman who introduced me and my sisters to jareth in the first place (my aunt/godmother) ended up officiating at my wedding - so now that i think about it, we've got some tradition to uphold, no?
i loved the train trip down to DC just for the pretty colors -- jersey did indeed look lovely this weekend...
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