this weekend's craft prototype for the cold war kitchen, or eatin' on a jet plane:

i lost my shit when i saw last wednesday's design*sponge DIY project: thrifting! ceramic art inspired by sarah cihat! displaying of cupcakes! i've been fixated on retro cake stands for the last month or two, even though i've made a grand total of three successful desserts in my life (as baby jo noted yesterday, only half of the women in our family are bakers; i actually took a french pastry class in college, and it was far more grueling than first-year russian, if tastier): my interest in dishes makes up for my lack of interest in most sweets, or so i like to think.
enter the recycled cake stand project, and the small forest of mismatched candlesticks and plates now cluttering up our pass-through. in this first attempt, i learned that contact paper (cut in the shape of a jet to let the pattern on the little german saucer show through) does NOT create much of a seal with porcelain, especially when you ask it to bend; when i work up to more complicated shapes (the blue plate in the background will feature either an octopus or an anglerfish), i'm going to have to be much more careful about placement. i also learned that i am no banksy: spray paint is a bitch (i still have to redo the back lip of the saucer and a few weird spots on the underside). then there is the issue of food safety, and how i'll have to switch to much more expensive (and more difficult to apply) ceramic paint if i wish to use these to serve non-wrappered food. all that said...i think it'll work next to the bill-clinton-and-his-mistresses nesting dolls above our stove. any thoughts on future shape/color/design combos?
i'm thinking a lovely wrench cutout on a chocolatey brown plate would look awesome. plus it would likely match your future desserts....
ooh, i like the idea of a big nasty clue-weapon wrench. what about reversing the color field by using a dark base, like patterned stoneware or raku or something, and then painting over with white or a cafe au lait so that the wrench itself is the variegated brown?
on food-safe pigment, not sure how much you'd have to use (it seemed sort of translucent in chips), but i picked up a brochure for this stuff at the local art store the other day; the guy there said it would do the trick.
i don't-want-to-work, i want to paint-on-the-stuff all day...
clue was exactly what i was thinking! i went through all the weapons, breaking my heart when i realized a lead pipe wouldn't translate well (threading just isn't an exciting detail). as long as you could get the white opaque enough, that'd be pretty sexy. clue indeed. (remember the part on the recorded vhs we had, when the channel changed to an advil commercial because beanie used to sit on the cable box? priceless.)
hey, doesn't the ladymag sometimes do crafty how-to articles? so if you squint really hard, painting-on-the-stuff *is* working.
valya's on to something, here. i mean, couldn't you write a feature about making all this awesome stuff for the ladymag? they should feature your felt animals, for sure!
now...if someone could help me justify how it is that scrabulous is an essential part of MY workday, that'd be great.
believe you me, the ladymag treats this like scrabulous. 'sokay: stealth builds character.
very cute. I've recently discovered the excitement of painting things. I like the color you chose too.
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