i won't deny that tactical errors were made: i taped up the piñata's recycled-cardboard endoskeleton with such gusto, for example, that (like keith richards or blitzhund the deathless) it could not be killed by conventional means. judd owns a hacksaw, so i figure he can access his peanut butter and glow sticks if his need for them grows keen. truth be told, i never really thought the piñata would meet its end at the party; maintaining possession of one's bat is a key tenet of bartending, no? i also neglected to source fringed crepe paper or fringe scissors, so i burned a few hours listening to the olympics (grunty!) and making it the old-fashioned way. i also also neglected to consider the possibility of steve developing a crepe fetish. readers, i overcame all of those piñata tribulations; fuck yeah, time-intensive homemade presents.
That is a wild, complete and glorious thing. Can I Pin it? Hahahahaha. But I'm serious.
If I was your girlfriend, would you let me praise you? Cuz sometimes, sometimes, those are the things that being a 'tomehead's about. That pinata is beyond awesome. (Also, I esteem yer boy for his taste in candy. Peanut butter > x is axiomatic.)
@lisa of course! purple piñatas are terribly vain, i would imagine.
@mdf look at the bargains over here, ladies. (does butterfinger count as a peanut butter candy? i didn't include it, but i considered it.)
this is EXACTLY the post i needed to come home to, lauren o. prince + piñata = why i love you.
Are you kidding me? This is incredible. I am IMPRESSED. Maybe you should open a pinata making business.
This is too amazing. Every fringe was worth it.
in related news, Keith would have you know the only thing that saved him was pharmaceutical-grade shit.
more on that if i ever get done with this next THUNDERTOME (spoiler: i think cherie currie might be a better storyteller than keef is).
This is just wow. :o
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