*02.17.02 you ain't half the exotic

yeah, i bought a couple of lotto tickets. i didn't expect anything to come of them, but i liked the willy wonka tone the whole business had acquired by the time the jackpot got around $180 million. the guy at smoke signals down the street sold an $88 million ticket a few years ago; perhaps i should have gone with the crowd and had him kiss mine. then again, gambling still terrifies me. it's best that it's over.

i may go ahead and paint the (living? family? couch) room. i started peeling the nasty denny's bathroom wallpaper away tonight, and peeling is fun, so i seem to be committed. i was thinking yellow, but the couch is red and the chair is blue; i dislike the chiasso / romper room implications. my hair place has gold foil on the wall, and hey, but foil is expensive. it seems silly to pluck a color from the $50 ebay rug, but il faut cultiver notre jardin. whatever.

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