07.21.11: the dirty dozen {twelve youtube comments on the original "space oddity" video}

01 I heard this song in an English class in MEXICO
02 I'm 13 years old, I'm from Canada, and I love David Bowie. I feel like I should have been born in another time era.
03 This song is #1 of the top 13 songs about space travel.
04 that's not david bowie.. this looks homemade. i detect a trololo
05 1:13-1:20 I think the camera guy insisted on more and more crotch. David handled it well with that little maneuver.
06 Ground control major thong.
07 Is it cold in space Bowie Do you want to borrow my jumper Bowie
08 ocarina schmocarina
09 the cat power version is way better
10 It's too literal and far too low budget.
11 damn it, how i want that helmet!
12 good float man


Amid Privilege said...

Jumper meaning, in this case, sweater.

g said...

I stand by my statement from this morning: the best comment was from the boingboing post.

00 Thin White Dork

Milkmaid's dumb friend said...

Can we guess which comments are yours?  3, 7, 11, 12, I think, and most definitely 5, because it’s so supportive- you and Mr. Bowie go back like babies and pacifiers.

anonymous said...

i would never comment on a youtube video, mdf. not on youtube, anyway.


gracie o said...