it is a truth universally acknowledged, that an antsy woman in possession of a large pile of sunbrella fabric sample-scraps, must be in want of an upcycling project. my head has been full of rachel's delicate fabric flowers (and the real ones that pop up on her blog on fridays), so i adapted a ribbon rosette video tutorial and made these guys.

(please excuse the questionable craft photography; it needs work, i know.)
fun, no? each one has a reasonably realistic stem as well: i created a bud with wrapped florist tape and then spiraled on down to a length of wrapped wire for each. i've been destroying my fingers on them over the past few days, as i think they'd be interesting decorations for an apartmentwarming party (still unscheduled - we're still trying to set a date to close on the apartment purchase - but inspirational anyway). the mysterious black octagon beneath them is the van amburgh stool* we spirited home from brooklyn (and the excellent warehouse sale at the future perfect) yesterday; it's the first piece of outdoor furniture we've ever owned. i think the roses femme up the stool's lion tamer vibe a bit (and since they're made of formidable fabric, i don't have to worry about fading). it feels good to make things, internets.
*athletically discounted, mind you.
Love them! Also love the little containers they are in. Are the white ceramic casts of peel top tins? Intriguing.
why thank you! the vases aren't literally casts, but figuratively, yes.
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