
as predicted, we did a whole lot of nothing yesterday evening. the missus had to be up early for a press event, and i didn't fancy heading out on the town by myself, so we 'weened it with veronica mars like the homebound twentysomethings we are. i'm loath to let the holiday pass without some sort of salute, though, so here's something horrifying.

i knew the ladymag would get me sooner or later.

i have cropped pants, and lord help me, i'm pleased. i'll try to use them for good, not evil, but i don't know that i should be trusted.


  1. valya8:06 AM

    you also have very cute shoes!

  2. wabes9:14 PM

    and both of them together make your legs look fantastic! and i can say that non-sketchily, too!

  3. lauren11:02 AM

    ladies, you're too kind. just after i read your comments, amusingly enough, i ran into clinton kelly outside casa de ladymag...sadly, i didn't have the pants on hand for an expert evaluation. he looked fabulous, though (zesty green jack spade messenger, plaid wool overcoat, british flip cut).

  4. i agree with val and mari. however, if you make any move towards formal shorts, you will be dead to me.

    (i saw said formal shorts while shopping with megan at ann taylor loft. seriously? in the workplace?)

  5. lauren2:50 PM

    no formal shorts. i won't make any promises about jazz hands, though.

  6. Baby jo9:28 AM

    ooh, i can't stand that audrey girl. and you know what else? people that love her tend to be awful. blugh.
