
i am Errand Woman, innoculatrix of cats. disinfectress of refrigerator, auto technicienne, laundrette. something about new york trips overrides my tee-shirt-and-notebook-in-a-backpack style of travel; joe promises that he'll be able to get his stuff together in two hours, but i had a fifteen-point checklist for today alone. as i initiated last year's jaunt, i felt responsible for everyone's fun. now i suppose The Clipboard's return is boredom-related.

today's cat appointments got me to the ex-office for the first time in a year. long-time-no-see negotiations always confuse me, so i hid in an exam room for a while - but someone else began the hugs and all was well. now i'm all interested in the etiquette of requesting a staff phone list to replace the one i threw away. though nostalgia is invariably deadly, i worked with good people; i miss the shop talk about declawing laws and soy protein. maybe activism can be the day job again.

david foster wallace: the los angeles times interview. hasn't read the iliad; appreciates tom clancy.

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